
Friday, June 26, 2015

5 Home Maintenance Tips for Summer

 Phil's Main Roofing 
26 Fitch Street, Norwalk CT
(203) 838-4545

With warmer temperatures and longer days of sunlight, summer is the ideal time for tackling those outdoor household projects - such as preparing your home for summer parties and gatherings! From your air conditioning to your swimming pool, keep the below checklist in mind of things you should inspect from the inside, out:

Air conditioning. Tune up your AC this summer to prevent unwanted hazards and emergencies. To keep the electric bills low throughout the season, be sure to check the refrigerant levels and clean your coils. Another way you can keep costs down is to change your air filters about once every month if you use your air conditioner on a daily basis.

Gutters. Ever notice all the blossoms and seeds that fall off your trees during the warmer seasons? If so, then you might be wondering how often they get caught in your gutters. It may surprise you just how easy it is for your gutter to clog up. In order to protect them from such problems, you’ll benefit from cleaning them regularly, even in the summer.

Windows. One of the worst problems you can encounter this season is an overheated house. If you want to keep your house optimally cool, make it a habit to routinely check your window sealant, making sure the inside and outside are secured. It’s also a good idea to look for any faults on your weather-stripping (for insulating windows) and replace it if needed.

Swimming pools. Do you own a swimming pool in the backyard? Depending on how often you use it throughout the year, it’s probably best to get it prepared now that summer is here. Make sure the pumps are working, the chemicals are balanced, and the debris are removed. In order to prevent hazards, you may want to start your maintenance a week prior to using it so that you stay safe from harmful chemicals.

Roofs. Last but not least, you should have your roof inspected to check for any potential problems. From spring showers to summer thunderstorms, detecting possible issues can prevent small leaks from turning into permanent water damage.

Do you need a roof inspection to complete your summer maintenance checklist? Contact Phil's Main Roofing today! We are fully licensed and insured in Connecticut and Westchester County, New York, and would be happy to help you with all of your roofing needs. For more information about our services, please give us a call at (203) 838-4545 today.

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